Last weekend, we paid a visit to my old friends Jackie & Boogs to not just hang and photograph their family, but their two next door neighbor's families as well! The cast of characters that day included the following:
House Joaquin: Jackie & Boogs, their kids - Jasmine, Jayden, & Jena, also Jackie's Family - her Parents Ellie & Cora, & her sister Sharon
House Scott: Bob & Andrea, their kids - Ryan & Ashley
House Bind: Eric & Ashika, their kids - Etienne & Eliana
(almost as many as the game of thrones cast! #gotreference)
The afternoon was filled kids running around, fall leaves, family photos, family photos with fall leaves, various people throwing leaves at me, and oh yeah, kids running around... Here are the shots we got!
House Joquain
House Scott
House Bind
Altogether now!